Connections We Make

Connections We Make everyday should be able to be accessed all day any where we travel without having a stack of business cards. We at Connections We Make have taken the digital business card to new levels.

This is great for someone, or company that wants to have all of their contact information available at a moments notice to give to any potential customer or employer. This site is maintained and built by RG Graph X Design who is proud to offer an alternative to carrying around business cards. This site was inspired by the need to have your information available when you don’t have a business card available.

If you have a cell phone we have the card for you. Anyone can easily scan the QR Code and it will direct them to you very own custimizable business card that can be book marked or downloaded in the contacts of another cell phone for easy reference.

In todays age of Digital communication this Digital Business card is designed with you in MIND.

Everyday people like you enjoy the comfort of not searching for paper business cards anymore. They are equiped with the best Digital Business Card on the market today.

With our fast paced world that we live in. Have the ability to share your personal contact information can be crucial to getting seen by the right people in the most non-expected locations.

Thats why “Connection We Make” was made. Everyone in the world has a cell phone or tablet with them everyday. And if you are out and about and find that perfect moment to share your contact information, but you realize that you don’t have any business cards on you. DON’T WORRY we have you covered.

With our Digital Business card you can Customise it to fit your needs, not the needs of some lame form that only gives you some choices. Our cards are fully customiziable for every type of business and person. 

*Linkable Phone Number(s)

*Linkable email address(es)

*Linkable website

*Google maps that can direct them where you have set yoour address to.

*Any and All Social Media

*Downloadable PDF’s

*Custom Contact Forms

*Google Calendar

Plus a whole lot more…

Plans and Pricing

Plan One:

On plan one you get a digital card (QR Code) that links to your personal information that you want to share.

This card is great for college students that are looking for new opportunities with all of your contact information, and a brief summary of who you are.

This plan was designed for people who want their resume avaliable at a moments notice. You get you Phone number and email linkable on this page.

No Social Media Links

No Pictures or Videos

Will link your resume in a PDF Form that can be downloaded. With any and all certificates of accomplishments to help you land the career move that your looking for.


This plan is $10.00 a year and you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Plan Two:

On plan two you get a digital card (QR Code) that links to your very own business card with all of your contact information, google map of your location, and a brief summary of who you are, social media links. We place your logo at the top, with a linkable phone number, email, and website. Hours of operation with your location.

No downloadable VCF File.

This can also be customised for Contact Forms, PDF’s Calendars and much More.


This plan is $15.00 a year and you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Plan Three:

On plan three you get a digital card (QR Code) that links to your very own business card with all of your contact information, google map of your location with location address, and a brief summary of who you are or what your business does, you can add your social media links, it equiped with a linkable phone number, email and website.

Also included you get a downloadable vcf file so your information can be saved to your customers phone. Easy and safe with out being intrusive to have the other persons phone. They can manage how they want to save your digital business card.

This Plan is totally customizable to add things like PDF’s, Contact Forms, Calendars and much more.


This plan is $20.00 a year and you can cancel your subscription at any time.